Chepstow Town Council was established in 1974, comprises 19 elected Members and employs 10 members of staff. It is a statutory body and has a powerful role to play in community governance and, by having the power to precept, can deliver some public services directly as well as having the ability to influence the decisions of other service providers. There is a restricted list of powers that have been vested in Town and Community councils by Acts of Parliament. They are summarised in this PDF as a guide to Councillors and others. Each description is brief and is intended to be a general indication.
The Town Council has delegated some functions to four main committees these being:
Planning and Administration Committee
Comprises 9 Councillors. Meets twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month.
Responsible for:-
- Making recommendations to Monmouthshire County Council in respect of planning applications.
- Commenting on planning policy matters.
- Deciding matters of urgent business requiring action prior to the next Full Council meeting.
- Planning matters of a strategic or substantial nature having a significant impact on the community to be referred to Full Council
Environment and Amenities CommitteeComprises 9 Councillors - Meets bi-monthly
Responsible for:-
- Town amenities and has authority to authorise expenditure within the Council's approved budgets for Christmas lighting, town publications, Summer play schemes, war memorials, litter bins, dog waste bins and environmental projects.
Finance, Policy and Audit Committee Comprises 9 Councillors - Meets quarterly
Responsible for:-
- Focusing attention on all relevant aspect of the Council's expenditure and investments; engendering interest in all financial matters by all Members; taking on the role of 'watchdog' in respect of the Council's finances; providing an opportunity for more detailed discussion and making recommendations to full Council.
- Agreeing the Council's Asset Register, Insurance Schedules, Annual Investment Strategy, Risk Assessment, Lettings Policy and Letting Income.
- Considering and agreeing Community Grant Funding Applications and other funding requests received up to a limit of £5,000.
- Authorising expenditure within the Council's agreed budgets on essential works to the Town Arch, Gatehouse and Old Library Building.
Personnel CommitteeComprises 9 Councillors - Meets quarterly.
Responsible for:-
- Meeting as an interview panel as required making recommendations to Council in respect of permanent Town Council positions.
- All staffing matters, staff welfare, training and development etc.
- Wherever possible, trained Members of the Personnel Committee sit on any Grievance/Disciplinary or Appeals Panel appointed by Full Council.